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GERD Treatment: Causes, Symptoms and Safe Alternative Treatment Options

Are you suffering from Gastroesophageal reflux? Well, you should know that this is a relatively common digestive disorder. People with GERD experience various symptoms, such as chest pain, heartburn, etc. In Gerd, the stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, causing irritation and other symptoms.

In recent times, people have been showing interest in alternative medicines. This is because alternative treatments are really gentle. You will feel no side effects with such treatments. So, how do you get rid of GERD? There might be some great treatment options for you.

First, let's take an in-depth look into the causes and symptoms of Gerd. Knowing its signs and causes can help you choose the treatment method.

GERD: Symptoms & Causes

There are several causes and symptoms of GERD. Knowing about them will help you with early treatment of the disease-


  • Having large meals or eating too quickly can pressurize the stomach, causing stomach acid to flow back into the esophagus.

  • Excess weight, especially around the abdomen, can increase pressure on the stomach, promoting acid reflux.

  • Tobacco smoke can weaken the production of saliva, which helps neutralize stomach acid, so the person becomes more prone to GERD.

  • Hormonal changes and the pressure exerted by the growing uterus can cause GERD in pregnant women.

  • Going to bed right after eating allows gravity to work against the stomach. Such habits promote acid reflux.

  • Some drugs, such as antihistamines, calcium channel blockers, etc, can irritate the esophagus.

  • Conditions like scleroderma can weaken the LES and contribute to GERD.


  • In GERD patients, a burning sensation in the chest can rise to the throat. This feeling usually occurs after meals or when lying down.

  • The backflow of stomach contents into the mouth can result in a sour or bitter taste.

  • Patients get a feeling of food sticking in the throat or chest. So, swallowing is uncomfortable for them.

  • GERD can disbalance the natural pH level of the body. Acid reflux can make the body too acidic, worsening the patient's condition.

  • GERD chest pain is sometimes confused with a heart attack; GERD-related chest pain can be very sharp or dull.

  • Irritation of the vocal cords due to acid reflux is joint in Gerd. The acid reflux leads to changes in voice quality or throat discomfort.

  • GERD results in increased saliva production because of the irritation caused by stomach acid.

In traditional medicine, GERD is usually treated with over-the-counter antacids, histamines prescribed by doctors, etc. The only downside is their side effects. However, alternative treatment options might help you heal without significant side effects.

Are you trying to find out how to get rid of GERD? Read on to learn about some safe and gentle alternative treatment options for Gerd.

Alternative Methods To Heal From GERD.

Are you searching for the answer to how to get rid of GERD without side effects? Well, the information below will help you find that -

Change up your diet.

Changing your diet might help you deal with GERD symptoms efficiently. As a Gerd patient, avoid citrus fruits and spicy and hot food. These food items have been proven to increase acid reflux. Try to maintain a low-acid -diet with lean proteins. Instead of eating all at once, have small meals. It would help if you avoided late-night binging. Making a proper diet can provide relief from GERD symptoms naturally.

Herbs to rescue

Different herbs, such as Chamomile, Ginger, etc, can have soothing effects in people with GERD. These herbs contain anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe the digestive tract. These herbs are readily available over the counter. However, if you do suffer from allergies, consume these herbs cautiously.

Probiotics for gut health

Probiotics are good bacteria that improve gut health. In GERD patients, probiotics can work well to prevent acid reflux. Probiotics will also help you with digestion. So, you can consider probiotics a good friend of your gut. Consume probiotic-rich food or supplements to get rid of your GERD symptoms gently.

Apart from these, there is another more innovative and gentler way of treating GERD symptoms. This alternative treatment is known as Biomagnetism Therapy. Learn more about it below.

Biomagnetism Therapy For GERD

Are you aware of Biomagnetism Therapy? This form of treatment uses magnets to diagnose and treat patients. In GERD treatment, Biomagnetism Therapists place the magnets around the abdominal area. These magnets can influence the functions of the cells. So now the newly boosted cells improve the function of the Lower esophageal sphincter, preventing acid reflux.

Biomagnetism Therapy is also a great way to boost your blood circulation. Better blood circulation means better bodily functions. Biomagnetism Therapy can also fix the pH balance of the body.

The average pH level of the human body is around 7. Acid reflux can increase or decrease the pH level of the body. So, your body becomes too acidic or alkaline. An acidic body will improve the condition of acid reflux. The magnets in this therapy neutralize your body to balance the pH level. Naturally, the harmful germs inside the body die, and GERD symptoms heal gradually.

So, if you were wondering how to get rid of GERD, your answer might be right here.

To add to the benefits, Biomagnetism Therapy is entirely pain-free and non-invasive. Want to enjoy a relaxing healing journey? You can give Biomagnetism Therapy a thought.

How to try alternative GERD treatments cautiously?

It is a known fact that health professionals can give you the best guidance for GERD treatment. Are you interested in trying any of the alternative therapies mentioned above? Your first step should be to consult a health professional.

Alternative treatments have their perks as well as risks. Biomagnetism Therapy is not a safe option for people with pacemakers and pregnant women. Herbal remedies and Dietary changes can make GERD patients sicker if done incorrectly.

If combined with traditional GERD medications properly, the alternative treatments can make all the difference for you. It will boost the effectiveness of the medications, helping you heal more quickly.

Now that you know how to get rid of GERD, gear up to begin your healing journey.

FAQs -Alternative treatment methods for GERD patients

Q1: Can Biomagnetism Therapy heal GERD?

Biomagnetism Therapy can help patients with GERD. Biomagnetism Therapy uses magnets to treat ailments. In GERD patients, Biomagnetism Therapy balances the pH level and improves cellular function. Many patients have reported improvement after trying Biomagnetism for GERD. However, the treatment should be tried under expert supervision.

Q2: How Can herbal remedies alleviate GERD symptoms?

Herbs such as licorice roots, ginger, etc can relieve people suffering from GERD symptoms. Spices like slippery elm, marshmallow root, etc., can help reduce the irritation 9n the esophagus by producing a protective layer. Consume herbal remedies only after advising a herbalist or healthcare professional.

Q3: What dietary changes can help GERD patients?

Dietary changes can make a big difference for GERD patients. They should avoid citrus fruits, coffee, tea, etc. They should prevent late-night food consumption and overeating.GERD patients need to stay hydrated and drink much water. Working with a healthcare professional to create a personalized diet plan is advisable.

Wrapping Up!

GERD can be a painful ailment. This ailment hinders your eating and digesting capacity, hampering your overall life. The information above can help you get rid of GERD very easily. Combining alternative methods with traditional treatments and medications can improve your condition.

Talk to a healthcare professional and ask which alternative treatment will suit you and your body the best.

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