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The Growing Arthritis Problem: Biomagnetism To The Rescue

Arthritis is a painful chronic ailment that affects your joints. An alarmingly high number of people are affected by this disease and the incidence of arthritis is increasing at a massive rate each year. Conventional medicine does indeed have treatments in place for arthritis sufferers, however, they may provide limited relief and may not be able to completely address the pain and related problems completely. 

Moreover, the medications that are commonly prescribed for arthritis, that include painkillers, do indeed have some very serious side effects that may start manifesting with time. More and more people are looking for alternative healing methods that may complement traditional arthritis treatment seamlessly and would address the problem of lingering excruciating pain and provide holistic relief and wellness. Biomagnetism or Biomagnetic Pair Therapy distinguishes itself from the rest of the alternative treatments available now in this regard.

Before we delve into the facets of Biomagnetism that are in simple terms, revolutionary, let’s take a brief look into what causes arthritis and what its symptoms are.

Causes of Arthritis:

  • Arthritis commonly affects individuals over the age of 65. With age, the risk of an individual developing arthritis increases. 

  • Genetics sometimes are to blame in case of arthritis. Say, if someone in your family has or had it, then you are at risk of developing this ailment someday.

  • Sometimes, prior damages to your joints may cause arthritis. If you suffered fractures, dislocations or any other damage to your joints in the past, then you’re at an increased risk of developing arthritis,

  • Sex can also play a role in the kind of arthritis one would be more likely to develop. For instance, women are at an increased risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis after a certain age compared to men. 

  • If you’re overweight then naturally, in order to support your body, your joints, like your spine, your hip and your knees, may have to bear more load than what it’s prepared for. It may hurt your joints and thus you might develop arthritis after a certain point.

  • Sometimes, your own immune system may attack your own body’s joint tissues mistakenly, which used to be healthy but due to such a condition, they may sustain damage which can lead to different kinds of arthritis.

  • In case of women, fluctuations in their hormones after pregnancy or menopause, may put them at an increased risk of developing arthritis, especially rheumatoid arthritis.

Symptoms of arthritis:

  • When you develop arthritis, it becomes excruciatingly painful to move the joints that are affected even slightly. Thus making movements or locomotion unbearably painful.

  • One of the telltale signs of arthritis is inflamed joints. If your joints are irritated then naturally, they’d swell up.

  • People suffering from arthritis experience stiffness in their joints. This stiffness is likely to appear in the mornings or after long periods of inactivity.

  • The joints that’d be affected by arthritis are likely to become tender and sensitive. A mere touch may feel painful.

  • Movement may become prohibitively painful in patients with arthritis, especially when the joints that bear the weight of the body structure, like the hips and knees, are affected by the disease.

  • For arthritis patients, with time, even the muscles around the affected joints are likely to become fragile and frail.

  • Arthritis affects the joints’ pH levels and the energetic field of the body.

Now that we’ve become very familiar with the formidable foe we’re up against, let’s take a look at Biomagnetism, the revolutionary, alternative synergistic healing method that has been making waves since its inception. 

Biomagnetism and Arthritis

Biomagnetism is an alternative holistic healing method that distinguishes itself from other healing methods due to its totally non-invasive and medicine-free approach that has proven itself to be demonstrably effective against a wide range of maladies, including arthritis. 

Biomagnetism or biomagnetic pair therapy works by targeting the root cause of maladies as they manifest, thereby setting it apart from conventional medicine. Biomagnetism has identified pH imbalance inside the body as the primary reason behind why diseases are able to take root inside the body and thrive. 

The pH level  is nothing but a number that indicates whether the body is acidic or alkaline. The optimal pH figure ranges between 7.35 to 7.40. Anything above this figure means that the body is alkaline and any figure below 7 indicates acidity. Under these imbalance states, conditions are established inside the body that let pathogens take root and thrive and also sub-optimal functioning of the body’s internal systems and functioning leads to a person developing a wide range of issues. 

Thus, Biomagnetism identifies imbalanced pH  to be the root cause of maladies, including arthritis and seeks to restore balance to  its pH level in order to facilitate natural, quick, lasting and holistic recovery and overall wellness. 

How Biomagnetism Works

Restoring balance to the body’s pH levels, facilitates the immune system of the body and other organs to function optimally and harmoniously. Thus, the body itself, through its awe-inspiring capacity to heal itself, holistically restores itself to health.

In order to achieve this, Biomagnetism practitioners identify imbalances in the body through kinesiology, also known in simpler terms as muscle testing. Through muscle testing they manage to identify imbalances in the body and biomagnetic pairs that correspond to that particular illness.

A Biomagnetism practitioner, then, would place therapeutic grade, medium to high intensity pairs of magnets on the biomagnetic pairs, on the surface of the body, that they’ve identified in order to facilitate restoration of pH balance inside the body. After restoration of pH balance is complete, the body itself functions optimally, including its immune system, which is especially adept at fighting off the root causes of the diseases and the patient feels better.

How does Biomagnetism heal individuals suffering from arthritis?

  • Biomagnetism is especially good at reducing the perception of the unbearable pain caused by arthritis. The magnets employed interfere with the pain signals traveling to the brain, thereby making it to some degree, imperceptible for the sufferers.

  • Biomagnetism restores balance to the electromagnetic field of the body. Magnets of different polarities, when applied properly by an accredited biomagnetism practitioner, facilitates this. It also optimizes the flow of energy, thereby resulting in accentuating the body’s intrinsic ability to heal itself and reduce inflammations.

  • Biomagnetism therapy’s magnets facilitate in bringing down the inflammation, reduces them and improves mobility of the joints.

  • Biomagnetism improves the circulation of blood inside the body. Unimpeded supply of oxygenated blood, delivering nutrients to the affected joints facilitate healing and brings down the severity of the symptoms of arthritis.

  • Stress is invariably associated with Arthritis, which Biomagnetism is especially good at bringing down. Which facilitates not only in the patient feeling relief but also it helps in hastening recovery.

FAQs: Biomagnetism and Arthritis

Is Biomagnetism a replacement for conventional treatments for arthritis?

It is advisable that you continue your conventional treatment for arthritis and use Biomagnetism as a complementary healing solution. Biomagnetism is not a one stop solution for arthritis. Although it shines at increasing the efficacy of conventional treatments and filling the gaps left by conventional treatments for arthritis. Biomagnetism’s approach facilitates holistic wellness, it is not solely concerned with symptom relief. 

Apart from increasing the efficacy of conventional treatments, Biomagnetism facilitates in restoring the holistic health of arthritis afflicted individuals. It is first and foremost a complementary therapy when it comes to arthritis. As in, It should be applied alongside conventional treatments for arthritis and should not be treated as a standalone solution.

Is Biomagnetism safe?

Biomagnetism is completely non-invasive and medicine free in its approach and thus there is no chance of any adverse effects. Although people with pacemakers and pregnant women are advised to consult with their primary care physician first before opting for this therapy, to eliminate any remote chances of ill effects. In general,the worst you could feel after a biomagnetism session is a little bit of fatigue, which is nothing atypical and nothing to be concerned about. Biomagnetism does not counteract with any medication or treatment for obvious reasons, rather, it accentuates their efficacy.

How long would it take to get complete relief using Biomagnetism as a complementary healing approach?

Biomagnetism works fast and is incredibly effective but how many sessions would be required precisely, can only be inferred by the biomagnetism practitioner examining you. Generally, how far your arthritis has progressed, how long you've had it, how severe your condition is and such considerations are taken into account when determining your course of treatment and how long it’d precisely take.

Closing thoughts

Biomagnetism is although a revolutionary holistic alternative therapy that has enjoyed a meteoric rise to prominence so far, it is still not a mainstream solution for arthritis sufferers. More research needs to be conducted to arrive at a definitive conclusion, regardless, the findings so far have been very convincing. Efforts are underway to that end and the figurative mountain of evidence in the form of positive patient testimonials are pouring in every day. If you’re suffering from arthritis, do consult with your [primary healthcare provider and get in touch with an accredited biomagnetism practitioner today! You simply can’t afford to miss out on the world of benefits it offers and you too, deserve to be holistically healthy.

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