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Arthritis Treatment: Biomagnetism Therapy and Alternative Treatments

Arthritis is a form of chronic joint condition. Many people are affected by this ailment. There are several methods available for treating arthritis. However, the question is, which method should you choose? Traditional treatments for arthritis mainly include medications, painkillers, etc. These conventional methods do have some side effects.

Presently, more people are leaning towards alternative arthritis treatment. The alternative therapies will let you enjoy a gentle, primarily drug-free, and side-effect-free treatment. The alternative therapies also go well with traditional arthritis medications and procedures. First, let's learn about the symptoms and causes of arthritis, and then we can learn about the new magnet-based alternative therapy and other alternative methods.

What is arthritis? Causes & Symptoms

Awareness of the possible causes and symptoms of arthritis can help you start treatment at the right time for early recovery.


  • The risk of arthritis increases with age, often affecting adults over 65.

  • If your close family members have arthritis, then there's a higher likelihood that you might develop it, too.

  • Fractures, dislocations, and other such joint injuries in the past can put you at risk of developing arthritis in the future.

  • Certain types of arthritis, like rheumatoid arthritis, are more common in women than men.

  • Being overweight stresses joints, especially those in the knees, hips, and spine.

  • There are conditions where the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy joint tissues. This results in various types of arthritis.

  • Hormonal fluctuations in women due to menopause, pregnancy, etc, may influence the risk of arthritis, particularly rheumatoid arthritis.


  • Arthritis is often characterized by persistent pain in the affected joints, making simple movements uncomfortable.

  • Inflamed joints are a hallmark of arthritis. When the body responds to the irritated joints, the joints swell up.

  • Arthritis can lead to stiffness, especially in the morning or after periods of inactivity.

  • Joints affected by arthritis can become tender. Your joints will become sensitive to touch.

  • Arthritis in weight-bearing joints, like the knees or hips, can make walking difficult.

  • Over time, arthritis can cause the muscles around your joints to become frail and fragile.

  • Arthritis affects the joint tissues of the body, disrupting the pH level and the body's magnetic field.

Now, let's learn about the various alternative arthritis treatment options that can help you with arthritis pain. If you're searching for a gentle alternative, this new magnet-based therapy is a good choice. Read on to learn about it.

Biomagnetism Therapy To Treat Arthritis

Biomagnetism Therapy or Biomagnetic Pair Therapy is a form of magnet-based therapy. This therapy method can treat a variety of diseases, including arthritis. With magnets' help, the practitioner will diagnose, address and heal infections.

Experts have found Biomagnetism Therapy beneficial for arthritis treatment on several occasions.

Biomagnetism Therapy with magnets of varying strength restores the body's pH balance. The average pH level of the human body is around 7. Due to inflammation and pain caused by arthritis, this pH level can go up or down. A higher pH will make the body acidic, making way for harmful germs to thrive. Biomagnetism Therapy will balance this pH level to neutralize the body. This will kill off the harmful germs in your body to heal it from within.

Biomagnetism Therapy also balances out the imbalanced magnetic field of the body. This improves circulation and cellular function. Better circulation will allow your arthritis-induced joints and tissues to heal faster. Good cellular function can replace the damaged joint tissues with healthy new tissues.

Why did you choose this therapy? A key advantage of Biomagnetism Therapy is its non-invasiveness. Biomagnetism therapy has minimal risks and can also prevent ailments from returning. Moreover, you can use this therapy with any form of traditional or alternative treatment you want.

Biomagnetism Therapy, however, is not the only available alternative treatment on the market. If you want more options, read on to learn about the other alternative therapies for arthritis.

Alternative Treatments For Biomagnetism Therapy

Several alternative treatments can help with arthritis treatment. Here are some alternative arthritis treatment methods-


Acupuncture, a form of needle-based ancient Chinese medicine, can stimulate nerves to provide natural relief from arthritis pain. The needles inserted in specific points of the body can boost blood circulation to reduce joint inflammation. This treatment can increase the release of endorphins to reduce joint aches without using external painkillers.

Herbs for arthritis

Herbs such as turmeric, ginger, etc possess anti-inflammatory properties. Elements such as cumin can provide some relief from the discomfort caused by arthritis. Other helpful herbs for arthritis include stinging nettle, green tea, etc. Most of these herbs are available over the counter.

Alternative treatments will work well with your existing traditional arthritis treatment plan. However, before using these alternative treatments, you must be aware of some precautionary measures. Read on to learn about them.

Risks and precautions

Before trying any form of treatment, you must consult a health professional. The same goes for alternative therapies. A medical expert can tell you which alternative treatment is safe for you from a scientific point of view.

Each alternative treatment method comes with its own set of precautionary measures. Biomagnetism Therapy should be practiced in a hygienic environment to avoid infections. This therapy, though safe in general, must be avoided by pregnant women and those with pacemakers.

In acupuncture, the practitioner must use clean needles for each patient to avoid contamination. When it comes to consuming herbs, consult a herbalist first. They can decide which herb can help you with arthritis without triggering any allergies.

Alternative arthritis treatment methods, especially Biomagnetism therapy, can increase the efficacy of the traditional medications one might be taking for arthritis. Being cautious will only help you stay fit.

FAQs-Alternative methods for arthritis treatment

1)Can acupuncture help with arthritis?

Acupuncture needles can improve blood circulation and reduce the release of endorphins to lessen pain and enhance tissue damage caused by arthritis naturally. An expert practitioner must do acupuncture for it to work correctly.

2)Are herbs a safe option for arthritis treatment?

Different herbs, such as turmeric, green tea, etc., contain enzymes acting as natural pain-relievers in people with arthritis. Do consume herbs with caution to avoid any allergic reactions

3)Is Biomagnetism Therapy safe for arthritis?

Biomagnetism Therapy Can be a beneficial alternative treatment for arthritis. However, people with pacemakers should avoid this treatment. The magnets can interfere with such medical devices. Pregnant women are also advised not to use this therapy.

Wrapping up!

Treatments like acupuncture, biomagnetism therapy, herbal remedies, and yoga can help your arthritis situation. These therapies can work well with your regular treatments.

However, talking to healthcare professionals before using these treatments is essential. Combining these alternative methods with regular arthritis treatment can lead to better and complete arthritis care.

For additional details and resources regarding biomagnetism, please visit LINK.

Dr. Garcia is a prominent figure in biomagnetism, with 14 years of extensive experience. His life's mission revolves around bringing biomagnetism therapy to the common masses. To achieve this, he conducts training sessions across the USA.

He also offers online programs to make biomagnetism training accessible to a broader audience. Hundreds of his students are actively practicing biomagnetism therapy.

For more information visit youtube channel:

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